
This week so far is just...weird. But fun.


This group from what? LoveMGS? comes and leads us, but no one's really singing along, mainly cause we have no idea how to sing them, since we haven't heard them in our entire lives?

Then this pastor comes and does this whole talk on his life, and I'm thinking: Isn't this guy young? This is bad. I bet that when we leave, I'll hear at least one bimbo rant about how cute he looks. Bleh.

So anyway, he talks about how he smoked, took drugs, played truant, yadda yadda yadda, you know, the usual extreme behaviour. Then getting caught, and blah blah blah. The amazing part about it is, he only got six months for trafficking. I mean, ONLY six months?? That's not fair.
Then he showed us this video, which was sooo funny. Had us doubled up:p

There was this scene where his mother keeps being overly anxious and the doctor being reeeeeeeeally patient. and then there's this bit where his brother reads this bit about Shakespeare and asks him to be Ophelia for a while.
And the bit about his father being "silent". And the part where his mum nags for a loooong time. And the scene where he's in jail and his inmate is this really funny guy. I liked his(very original)song, and his antics. Heh..if prison was that fun, I'd be in there a long time ago.

Then, they just had to balance it with this talk from GP Batteries. The guy was monotonous, and he kept stumbling on his words. He just read everything from the slide and I dunno, no one was actually listening to him.
Ah well... does this mean that no one's ever gonna buy from GP anymore?XD

DISC Profiling.
Haha. For my Personality quiz, I got Assessor, which means I'm the "calm and collected one". So does that mean that the person kicking the computer in frustration wasn't me?
Then there was the Values thing. Ha. According to the graph, I love personal freedom the most, and I have no sense of justice or loyalty. ESPECIALLY loyalty. It was like, a negative on my graph-.-


Some guy got invited to come talk about swimming across the English Channel. Swimming. when the water is FIFTEEN degrees. Kinda makes you wonder why they didn't just take the bridge in the first place. I mean, that's what it's built for, right?

Ahh...I see. A competition between Oxford and Cambridge. You know, it's kinda funny that these people are supposed to be smarter than the rest of us, but they have absolutely no common sense.

The video was just weird. Although one guy was pretty funny.

And then they had the debate exhibition. THAT WAS THE BEST!!!!

Some guys from AC I came and the motion was " Women are more deadly than men". I personally am for it, but hey, the speakers were pretty good. It was so amusing to watch.
One guy got it wrong, and addressed one of the MG debaters as "Sir" instead of "Madam". His teammates had their heads in their hands and were shaking them in disbelief. I wonder why they have to do that sir/madam thing anyway. Hmmm...

Ha. Then Christine came on stage and wowed the audience by somehow appearing to be debating the issue but actually calling the guys dumb. And she ended off calling them ugly as well.


I should have joined debate.

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